
How to wear your curls on rainy days:

How to Wear Your Curls on Rainy Days – Aurelio Salon and Spa NJ

There is no fighting this unwanted rain today, so why not embrace it?! Style your hair that works with the weather, not against it. Put away those flat irons and rods and scrunch those lovely locks! Today we feature a style equation from our KMS Curl Up line. The duo of Control Crème and Wave Foam is great for enhancing curls and creating that natural wave while adding some shine. The best part about it, Maximum Frizz control! So stay worry free as we say goodbye to April. Happy styling!#Rainyday #Hairstyles #Hair #Curls #Frizzfree #KMS #ControlCreme #WaveFoam #HumpDay #AurelioSalon

How to Wear Your Curls on Rainy Days

How to wear your curls on rainy days:

Just because you have ringlets and bundles doesn’t mean you can’t style them differently!

Embrace the trend and opt for a head band to keep those curls down, or a nice fishtail braid for a boho-chic look.

The red carpet featured hair pinned over to one side while the other is full of body, luckily your curls provide that done up look!  Don’t leave it plain ladies: you could decorate your lock with fun hair pieces!

KMS California Curl UP

Step 1:  Begin with your Curl Up Shampoo to improve your elasticity and provide your hair with that desired bounce.

Step 2:  Apply the Curl Up Conditioner in a raking motion through your tangles, and then let it sit for 2 minutes.  After the curl enhancing technology has done its job, you can then lightly rinse the product out.

Step 3:  To remove the excess water from your curls, you want to tilt your head to the side and in a “scrunching” upward motion use a paper towel or an old t-shirt to absorb.  Be sure you are starting from your ends and lifting your way up to ensure you keeps your curls smooth.

Step 4:  Apply Curl Up Control Crème for curl bundling and frizz control.  You want to emulsify the product and work through your hair evenly, using it to define your curls.  To apply, repeat the “scrunching” motion.

Step 5:  Prior to heat styling, apply Curl Up Wave Foam for soft waves and natural movement.  Starting at the ends and working your way up in the same “scrunching” motion; Wave Foam provides the protection you will need and protects your hair from frizzing.

Step 6:  It is now your choice to either diffuse your hair or allow it to air dry.  Side note:  A diffuser is designed to enhance your curls and give them definition without disrupting their shape.

Step 7:  After your curls are fully dried, you are going to slide your fingertip underneath your hair and place them on your scalp, and very lightly shake at your roots to open up your curls.

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Call Aurelio Salon in Howell at 732-303-0052 or 732-551-2930 in Toms River New Jersey for more information about how to wear curls on rainy days.