
Summer is here and now is the time to protect your skin!!!

The reasons why it is so important to use sun protection, first is the prevention of skin cancer. The rate at which people are finding out they have it is astronomical… the damage we already have done when we were  younger will forever be there, But from this day forward if you protect your skin. You will be helping yourself in the long run from any more sun damage or even pre-mature wrinkles. No sun burn is worth the damage it causes!! Yes you might end up with a great sun kissed tan all golden brown and then 5, 10 and 20 years later you will be sorry for the damage that pretty tan cost you.  Stop now, and go with airbrush tans and self- tanner.  It’s safe and non- toxic for you and your skin.

Always put on sunblock or SPF before leaving your home, anytime during the day… This is one of the only ways to help prevent pre-mature aging and environmental damage…. Also try to be diligent with exfoliating your skin, face & body at least 2-3 times a week and don’t forget the moisturizer after shower or whenever you have had sun exposure!! This will help with the prevention of dry, flaky and itchy skin too ?

So STOP laying out with oil and soaking up those summer rays!! Go for clean, healthy, glowing and natural skin for today, tomorrow and always!!!